Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another round...

Hey all!

Here's an update - I know we haven't had one in a while. Things have been WONDERFUL! We want to praise God for His constant provisions and blessings.

Matt has been having regular blood tests and CT scans for the past few months. The CT scans have been watching a lymph node that was enlarged to see if it would continue to grow. It has been growing slightly; it is now 2.2 cm (normal is 1.0 cm). They've also monitored the AFP count in his blood. A count of <6.0 is considered normal; it recently rose to 9.4.

The doctors are concerned; the want to re-evaluate Matt, of course. However - we are standing strong in God and our faith in His word! We are asking the Body of Christ to come together and pray for Matt's healing. God has very specifically spoken to us about the need to incorporate the Body in this; Friday night, through the prayer of a friend, He revealed a bit to me about why. Just as the physical body fights together to heal itself of infection and disease, we believe He is wanting the spiritual body to fight together against this disease. Thank you in advance, and in faith, for your prayers and love!

We are also asking you to pray that God would grant us His wisdom and clarity in hearing His voice and staying in His will. We want to make sure, above all else, that we are obeying God and honoring Him.

Thanks again - be blessed today with God's peace and comfort!


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