Monday, March 19, 2007

Please don't panic! Let me clarify...

It's come to my attention that many people are finding out about Matt for the first time. I'm VERY sorry ... I wasn't trying to keep things from anyone! Quite the contrary: I didn't want anyone to worry unnecessarily. However, that thought pattern backfired pretty fast. I want to take a minute to clear up some things and hopefully put your minds at ease.

The first and MOST IMPORTANT detail is that Matt and I are only doing what God calls us to do. We are NOT anti-medicine; we are NOT trying to take a stand and prove a point. We are only wanting to follow God and please Him by obeying His commands. We are following His commands in His timing. If, again, God says no chemo, then we will NOT do chemo; however, if God says to go through with it, we WILL do chemo. It's just that, at this time, God has given us a very specific command: WAIT. We are not making any medical decisions until God moves us.

In the meantime, we have received some very specific instructions regarding our diet...CHANGE IT! Though we made some minor adjustments before, we are now into hard-core dietary make-over. The guidelines God gave us are based on the Acid/Alkaline chart. A VERY rough overview: an acidic body is primed and ready for cancer and other diseased to grow, whereas the alkaline body is not the ideal environment. The more alkaline, the less chance of cancer surviving. The second most acidic food you can consume: SUGAR. Ah yes, high fructose corn syrup. We have purged our cabinets as we are cleaning house (even our BREAD had to go!) We are switching to a sugar-free (and artificial sweetner free) life style, as well as going as organic as possible. Thus far, that is the direction God has given us.

Please know that as we seek God we WILL do what He says; so right now is a time to rest in His peace knowing that we are obeying His will and we are secure in His care if we are in His will.

Matt is off on his God adventure on Wednesday - we'll be in touch with y'all again soon!


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