Friday, October 26, 2007

Round 3, Day 2

I didn't see Matt until 7pm today, but he says he had a good day. His mom and sister came to visit for a while (they brought popcorn!). Then our good friends the Lighthouse Keeper and the Artist stopped out (they brought candy and a Petoskey stone). And then one of the CNA's brought Matt some fresh-roasted pumpkin seeds.

PEOPLE!! PLEASE!! Every time I turn around someone is giving something to Matt. Good grief! Okay, okay...I know. He's just so cute and practically's hard to not want to spoil him :) Hee, hee.

Anyway, things have been going pretty well, but he's a little rough tonight. He's been a little queazy in the tummy, so they had to slip him some compazine...which makes him REALLY, REALLY tired (not sleepy, just tired...very odd). So he's just chillin' right now. And I'm online, reading a book and gettin' ready to join him in the sweet land of slumper.

Just three more days! Whee!!!

(Fine, I'll admit it...I brought him a pan of fresh made brownies...GET OFF MY BACK!! Hee, hee)


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