Saturday, April 12, 2008

Not-so-routine CT Scan

So, this is easy...CT scan at 3pm on Thursday. No problem. Matt needs to be there @ 2:45 and it usually takes 15 minutes or so. Here's the breakdown.

3:00 - Matt arrives at Radiology. A small child from ER is put ahead of him. Being afraid of needles, the kid screams.

3:30 - The kid is still screaming. They FINALLY get his mom to calm him down.

3:40 - They call Matt's name.

3:45 - Alarms sound, doors close. They're having a fire drill.

3:55 - Matt emerges. We can't go anywhere because they're still doing the drill.

4:05 - We ask radiology how long the films will take, since we need to bring them with us. 15 minutes. No problem.

4:06 - Drill ends. We see two of his nurses from the cancer wing, so we chat. Matt pees.

4:20ish - We go to radiology. The CD burner is not working, can we wait another 10 min? Sure. We decide to get his blood work done too.

4:30 - We find out his labs include a urine sample. Dang it. Matt drinks LOTS of water. He finally calls his boss, since he's already an hour later than he originally thought he'd be. They tell him to take the rest of the day off.

4:50 - Matt finally pees again and they finish with his blood tests.

4:55 - We check radiology. Ten more minutes. We wait.

5:10 - Still waiting.

5:20 - They finally tell us we can't get the films that day. We have to stop back again the next day. Even if he left the hospital then, by the time Matt got back to work everyone would be packing up to go home.

And that was our trip to get a CT scan.


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