Sunday, May 27, 2007

UPDATE: Test results

Well, it wasn't exactly what we wanted to hear. It's pretty certain that the growth they've been monitoring on Matt's lymph node is a tumor. His AFP count is up. Reminder: alpha feta protein is a growth hormone that appears when something is growing in your body; pregnant women have an increased count, but we're pretty sure that doesn't apply to Matt. A normal AFP is 6.0 or less. Matt's was at 3-4 for a while and then increased in February. It is currently at about 52 (FYI: when he had the tumor last year it was at 79).

It was pretty hard news to take. The biggest challenge has actually been a question: have we been hearing from God wrongly? It's easy to be tempted to think so. Satan will really attack a person with lies, trying to make you believe that its all your fault and you can't even trust yourself. However, we know our God, and we know we hear from Him. We spent a little more time in prayer and have the next course lined up.

As Matt was driving to church Friday night after work, he was talking with God about this. I was already at church and was having a similiar conversation. When we got together we both had peace about contacting Indiana University and going to see a specialist there about an operation to remove the tumorous lymph node. We're going to call on Tuesday; hopefully we'll be down there soon!!!

I hope none of you ever have to say this, but this is honestly how I felt Friday: each time we hear that Matt has a tumor, its gotten easier. Most of our family and friends think we're crazy, some are even angry with us for not choosing the chemo route. However, we are listening to our God. This is what He's asking of us, so this is what we're going to do :) I can't explain it to those who aren't willing to listen or receive it, but a life of loving obedience to God is more wonderful than anything else. Even if it means a prolonged run against cancer.

In the meantime, we're enjoying a FABULOUS Memorial Day weekend! The weather's great, we've been outside and getting caught up on all kinds of things :) We even made it to see Pirates 3 (quite enjoyable) and are going to try to squeeze one more movie into the weekend :)

Thanks for your continued prayer! As always, we are asking for God's continued guidance and wisdom for each new step of the journey. Blessings of peace to you all!!!


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