Wednesday, June 27, 2007's some news

Otay! Forgot to fill y'all in on the happenings since Matt's appointment - sorry! Here's the nutshell version:

There is a surgery they can do to remove the suspicious lymph node in Matt's body. It would require 3-days in the hospital, 7 days without driving and a total of 5 weeks of no strenuous lifting. Not nearly the horror story we were expecting to hear.

And then...the interesting part. Most people in Matt's situation (have a tumor removed and then monitor for 6 months) either have no problems, or their AFP will go from normal (who remembers what that is? Johnny? Yes! That's correct! Anything below 6.0) to 100 to 700, and so on. However, Matt (my attractive husband) has a count that has gone 3...9...12...20...50. It is above normal (as Johnny pointed out to us earlier) but it is clearly not increasing at the rate which they would expect.

What does that mean? Actually, it doesn't really change anything. We're going to do as God directs us, regardless of what the doctors say (come many of you are REALLY annoyed with us by now? Be honest!). We haven't done anything yet...the appointment was on the 8th. What's the hurry? One day in God's courts is like 1,000 days elsewhere :) I'll let you know when we know what we're doing, k? (WOW! That was a lot of "w"s).


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