Friday, November 02, 2007

Almost done...

Matt had another shot of bleo today. It wipes him out pretty good, so he's kinda pooped today. The nice thing is that everyone at his parents' house is healthy, so he was finally able to go over there and hang out for the day. He's already watched every video we own, so the cable is a nice change :) He's got a scratchy throat today, so we're watching that closely, but everything should be fine.

He's been taking his anti-nausea meds (its Emend, not Amend...sorry) and that is helping a lot. He's just very surprised at how much of it he's had to take this time (the chemo is having an accumulative effect on him). We've very thankful to have those meds so he can live pretty normally (and, again thankful for the insurance, as those two drugs alone cost $1000!!).

I think that's it. I'm heading to my folks for the weekend...Matt's undecided. We'll let you know if/when anything changes! In the meantime, just assume that all is well :)


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