Monday, July 16, 2007

British Columbia

Hi again!

Matt is going in this week for a blood test. We haven't really been thinking about the AFP count recently. We've been pretty busy and, since Matt's health is GREAT, its gone by the wayside.

Matt has been completely diving into the Bible and reading, studying and rereading verses on healing. In Matthew, Mark and Luke they relate Jesus' parable of the sower, which talks about the Word of God being the seed, needing to be planted in good soil. Bear with me:)

Luke 8:15 (New International Version)
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

That's been the game plan: hold on to those promises about health until they produce the fruit we need - total healing!

Now that you know that, this is entitled British Columbia: thought y'all should know that Matt is applying to Fresh Fire Ministries Supernatural Training Center for the 2007-08 year. If he's accepted he will start on Sept. 10th and be there through the end of April. The plan, at this point, is for him to go out in September, come home for three weeks in Christmas and then I'll go with him in January. Now, we've had all types of thoughts and advice from people about why he would go out there without me. It's this simple: this is what we beleive God is asking us to do. There are no fears, no tensions, so pussy-footing. It's just what God has asked, and I'd rather be in God's will than in Matt's bed. Wonderfully, Matt feels the same way. Of course, if we're hearing wrongly then we'll do things differently, but that's how it goes for now :)

Okay, I'm off for now. Much peace to you all!!!


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