Saturday, September 22, 2007

My 2nd try ... Day 5

Okay, in all fairness I DID alreadytype this...but my computer connection failed and I lost it. So, here I am again. Okay, all honestly I didn't post the original Day 5 posting until Friday (six days after Matt had been home), but I did get it done.

So, here's the update. We came home Saturday and Matt was pretty whipped. Excited to lay down and not have to worry about an I.V. drip, we climbed right into 3pm. We slept until 6pm, got up, read in bed and then eventually went back to sleep. It was nice :)

Sunday was a lazy day. Matt was still a little tired, but we got out of the house for a bit. By Monday, Matt was taking it easy, trying not to push himself, but when it was time for bed, he couldn't sleep. Too many days of inactivity. We finally fell asleep at 5am, after staying up and reading a book (sniff, sniff...I am so proud!)

So, the rest of the week the motto has been to just do everything normally and take many breaks. So far he's cleaned the brush from the yard, worked on the lawn mower, is fixing his truck, sorting out books/magazines to donate, going through his closet...he's been pretty darned handy. Only other new rule - he has to wear work gloves ALL of the time.

Thursday he went to the doc's office for a shot of chemo. It was really quick. A small 15 min. i.v. drip with a shot of chemo injected and that was it! Matt experienced a teeny little fever and muscle aches, which were easily handled by two lil' Tylenol. Other than that, no side effects!

At this point the only thing the doc warned us about it Matt's white blood cell count (those lil' guys who fight infection). It's currently low, but not dangerous. However, they want Matt to excercise extreme hygeine right now (hence, the work gloves). Also, we ask you from the bottoms of our hearts:

Do Not Hug Matt!! Under all circumstances - please keep your hands to yourself!!!

Just trying to keep him clean :)

The doc did say that in the next couple of days the counts may dip a bit more, but they will start going up again. We're also thinking he may have more energy, right up until he goes back into the hospital (which is on the 2nd...yes, I earlier schedule is completely off. I'm truly sorry).

Anyway, that's it for now. I'll have another post Tues or Wed, after we meet with the doc again. And, in the meantime, Matt still has all of his hair!! Whee!!!


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