Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 3: 1st Round Complete

Matt had another round of Bleo today. He's feeling better than he did last week after having it. He learned to sit back and do nothing on the day of Bleo...and he feels great. Of course, he also picked up eight videos from the library and we got four from the FV (cost us a buck, heh, heh).

There's one minor down side and one major though:

Minor: he started losing hair today :( It's not falling out, but if you give a little pull to a little patch of hair, if slides out in your fingers. Matt's okay with this, though not thrilled. I, on the other hand, am having a hard time not busting into tears. I don't know why I'm so upset...but I suspect it has to do with my deep atraction to curly haired men (of whom my husband, in my opinion, is the most handsome). I dunno. I'm just trying not to cry.

Major: MAJOR PRAYER COVERAGE PLEASE - Matt's white blood cell count is still low, and it should be recovering by now. The will NOT do chemo next week if his counts don't return to normal. If they don't start next week it will prolong this ordeal...and I'm sure other complications too, but I don't know what they are yet. Not to mention it's just much healthier for the WBC count to go up. We are going to see the doc at 8:50 Tuesday morning to check his blood. He is supposed to be admitted at 9am.

That's all for now. We're heading to visit the VB 'rents this weekend. Sigh. The next time most of you see Matt he will most likely resemble my father more than his. :) My dad will be happy to have a fellow crome-domer around for a while!!

For those of you going - be blessed with safe travels to Indiana. May God bless you richly this weekend!!


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