Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pink, pink...everything's pink

So Matt's been pretty frustrated lately. Everywhere you turn there's a pink ribbon, pink cutlery, pink stand mixer...all for breast cancer awareness and research support. Where's the yellow??

Live Strong - yellow ribbon. Founded by Lance Armstrong for cancer research (my understanding is that it isn't just testicular cancer, since that is very rare). This is what Matt wants to know: Where's the yellow??

After first explaining to Matt that he's not going to find many yellow kitchen utensils (basically because not as many men are in the kitchen as much as the women), we've started to think about what the Lance Armstrong Foundation could start using to help support their research. What could we stick a yellow ribbon on that would appeal to the people who may be dealing with the same cancer as Matt (we're focusing on testicular cancer here). We've got some ideas:

-Athletic equipment: just makes sense (esp. biking equipment)
-Junk food: Matt ate a lot of Reece's Peanut Butter cups...simple packaging change!
-DeWalt: I mean, duh! They're already yellow...this could be good!
-Anything Auto: AutoZone, Belle Tires...endless possibilities
-Wii/SPS/X-box: You could definitely have the yellow versions of these...Matt played video games for HOURS during recovery!!

So that's just a few ideas. Feel free to contribute any more!


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